1 Step 1: Define the Problem


  1. Download the data, and load it in R Studio & Pycharm and provide initial overview information.

  2. Visualize the location of the car accidents.

  3. Find out the insight from the dataset (i.e. Location/ Time of Day).

  4. Find out the potential car accident area given the current location.

This time, I would leverage the power of R and Python to perform the analysis and present the result via both Rmarkdown (R) and jupiter notebook (python). The analysis would be based on a standard data science framework and answer the questions above; however, I would extend the scope of the analysis to identify any unique insight as well as provide detailed explanation of my code.

2 Step 3: Preprocess the Data

2.1 Dependencies

2.1.1 Required libraries

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman") 
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, DT, lubridate, leaflet, leaflet.extras, maps, data.table, ggthemes, rebus, clue, skimr, plotly)

2.1.2 Required Dataset

data <- read.csv("input/NYPD_Motor_Vehicle_Collisions.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) %>% select(DATE, TIME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE)

2.2 First Glimpse

The first question can be answered by looking at the structure of the dataset. The dataset has 1,089,265 observations(rows) and 4 variables(columns).

2.2.1 First 200 rows with selected columns

data %>% 
  head(200) %>%
  datatable(filter = 'top', options = list(
  pageLength = 15, autoWidth = TRUE

2.2.2 Structure

data %>% 
## Observations: 1,089,265
## Variables: 4
## $ DATE      <chr> "08/04/2017", "08/04/2017", "08/04/2017", "08/04/201...
## $ TIME      <chr> "0:00", "0:00", "0:00", "0:00", "0:00", "0:00", "0:0...
## $ LATITUDE  <dbl> 40.66689, 40.71995, 40.71867, 40.75468, 40.81831, 40...
## $ LONGITUDE <dbl> -73.79041, -74.00859, -73.96350, -73.97581, -73.8360...

2.2.3 Skim

data %>% 
  skim() %>% 
## Skim summary statistics  
##  n obs: 1089265    
##  n variables: 4    
## Variable type: character
## variable   missing   complete   n         min   max   empty   n_unique 
## ---------  --------  ---------  --------  ----  ----  ------  ---------
## DATE       0         1089265    1089265   10    10    0       1861     
## TIME       0         1089265    1089265   4     5     0       1440     
## Variable type: numeric
## variable    missing   complete   n         mean     sd     p0        p25      p50      p75      p100    hist     
## ----------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  -----  --------  -------  -------  -------  ------  ---------
## LATITUDE    207066    882199     1089265   40.72    0.3    0         40.67    40.72    40.77    41.13   <U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2587> 
## LONGITUDE   207066    882199     1089265   -73.92   0.99   -201.36   -73.98   -73.93   -73.87   0       <U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2581><U+2587><U+2581><U+2581>

2.2.4 Summary

data %>% summary()
##      DATE               TIME              LATITUDE        LONGITUDE      
##  Length:1089265     Length:1089265     Min.   : 0.00    Min.   :-201.36  
##  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:40.67    1st Qu.: -73.98  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :40.72    Median : -73.93  
##                                        Mean   :40.72    Mean   : -73.92  
##                                        3rd Qu.:40.77    3rd Qu.: -73.87  
##                                        Max.   :41.13    Max.   :   0.00  
##                                        NA's   :207066   NA's   :207066

2.3 Data Cleaning: Correcting, Completing, Creating, and Converting

2.3.1 Correcting & Completing

As the data range section shows, some data entries for latitude and longitude are out of the scale and need to be corrected or removed.

data <- data %>% filter(LATITUDE>0, LONGITUDE<-72, LONGITUDE>-75)

3 Interactive Map

Looking at the summary result, I got the map below, which takes 5,000 examples.

data %>% 
  sample_n(size=5000) %>% 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$HikeBike.HikeBike, group = "color map") %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "Light map") %>%
  addCircleMarkers(~LONGITUDE, ~LATITUDE, radius = 1,
                   color = "firebrick", fillOpacity = 0.001) %>%
  # addCircleMarkers(~Dropoff_longitude, ~Dropoff_latitude, radius = 1,
  #                  color = "steelblue", fillOpacity = 0.001, group = 'DropOff') %>%
    baseGroups = c("Color map", "Light map"),
    # overlayGroups = c("PickUp", "DropOff"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = T)
  ) %>% 
# %>% 
#   addReverseSearchGoogle()
#   addSearchFeatures(
#      targetGroups = c("PickUp", "DropOff"))

4 Interactive Map with Clustering

data %>% 
  sample_n(size=5000) %>% 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$HikeBike.HikeBike, group = "color map") %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "Light map") %>%
  addCircleMarkers(~LONGITUDE, ~LATITUDE, radius = 1,
                   color = "firebrick", fillOpacity = 0.001,
                   clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) %>%
  # addCircleMarkers(~Dropoff_longitude, ~Dropoff_latitude, radius = 1,
  #                  color = "steelblue", fillOpacity = 0.001, group = 'DropOff') %>%
    baseGroups = c("Color map", "Light map"),
    # overlayGroups = c("PickUp", "DropOff"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = T)
  ) %>% 

4.0.1 Creating, and Converting

I converted datetime to time series data and created variables such as hour, weekday, weekend, etc.

Hour has value from 1 to 24, denoting 24 hours a day.

Weekday has value from Monday to Friday and is categorized as factor.

Weekend has value Weekday and Weekend.

data <- data %>%
         mutate(dateTime = mdy_hm(paste(DATE, TIME, sep = ' ')),
         hour = hour(dateTime)+1)

5 Step 4 Perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

5.1 Visualize Number of Accident by Time of Day

5.1.1 Number of Accident by Time of Day for both Weekday and Weekend

From an initial look at the number of accident by time of day graph, most of the accidents happened during the day with the peak ocurring around hour ending 17~18. The difference between the 8 and 9 is quite significant.

ggplotly(data %>% group_by(hour) %>% summarise(num_accident=n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(hour, num_accident, fill = num_accident)) + geom_col() +
  geom_label(aes(label=round(num_accident,1)), size=3.5, alpha=.7) +
  # coord_flip() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,24,1)) +
  theme_economist() +
  theme(legend.position = 'none') +
  labs(title='Number of Accidents (Weekday and Weekdend)',subtitle='All Data Included (Weekday and Weekdend)',caption="source: Kaggle Open Source Data",
       y="Number of Accidents", x="Time of Day"))

5.1.2 Number of Accident by Time of Day for Weekday

Same as the observation from the full dataset, a slightly higher peak in the morning, which is presumably caused by the rush hours.

ggplotly(data %>% filter(weekend=='Weekday') %>% group_by(hour) %>% summarise(num_accident=n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(hour, num_accident, fill = num_accident)) + geom_col() +
  geom_label(aes(label=round(num_accident,1)), size=3.5, alpha=.7) +
  # coord_flip() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,24,1)) +
  theme_economist() +
  theme(legend.position = 'none') +
  labs(title='Number of Accidents (Weekday)',
       y="Number of Accidents", x="Time of Day"))

5.1.3 Number of Accident by Time of Day for Weekend

For the weekend, the pattern changed and the peak is ocurring between hour ending 15 to 17.

ggplotly(data %>% filter(weekend=='Weekend') %>% group_by(hour) %>% summarise(num_accident=n()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(hour, num_accident, fill = num_accident)) + geom_col() +
  geom_label(aes(label=round(num_accident,1)), size=3.5, alpha=.7) +
  # coord_flip() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,24,1)) +
  theme_economist() +
  theme(legend.position = 'none') +
  labs(title='Number of Accidents (Weekend)',
       y="Number of Accidents", x="Time of Day"))

5.1.4 Combined Weekday and Weekend Number of Accidents

ggplotly(data %>%
  group_by(hour, weekend) %>%
  summarise(num_accident=n()) %>%
  ggplot(aes(hour, num_accident, color = weekend)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", span = 1/2, se=F) +
  geom_point(size = 4) +
  labs(x = "Time of Day", y = "Number of Accidents") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1,24,1)) +
  theme_economist() +
  scale_color_discrete("Weekday vs. Weekend"))

5.2 Top 5 Accident Locations on Weekdays and Weekend

5.2.1 Basic Set up

Rather than directing calculating the top 5 Accidents locations, I preprocessed the data a little bit. The logic is that if I directly use the longitude and latitude data, the same pick up spot with slightly different coordinates would be treated as different pick up locations and that would definitely deviate from the actual result. Therefore, I round the longitude and latitude to the 3 decimals from which the coordinates with slightly different number would be treated as one spot. I also used a green cab icon to denote the accident spots. The graph is interactive and can be zoom in and out. If you place the mouse on the green cab icon, it would show how many accidents at the location based on the dataset.

round_num <- 3

Weekday_Top5 <- data %>% filter(weekend=='Weekday') %>% 
  group_by(lng=round(LONGITUDE,round_num),lat=round(LATITUDE,round_num)) %>% 
  count() %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% head(5)

Weekend_Top5 <- data %>% filter(weekend=='Weekend') %>% 
  group_by(lng=round(LONGITUDE,round_num),lat=round(LATITUDE,round_num)) %>% 
  count() %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% head(5)

greentaxi <- makeIcon(
  iconUrl = "https://i.imgur.com/UVfnHVr.png",
  iconWidth = 38, iconHeight = 35,
  iconAnchorX = 19, iconAnchorY = 39

5.2.2 Weekday Top 5 Accident locations

Weekday_Top5 %>%
  leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$HikeBike.HikeBike, group = "color map") %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "Light map") %>%
  # addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.Toner, group = "white map") %>% 
  addScaleBar() %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.NatGeoWorldMap) %>%
  addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = 1,
                   color = "firebrick", fillOpacity = 0.001) %>%
  addMarkers(~lng, ~lat, icon = greentaxi, label = ~as.character(paste("Number of Accidents:",Weekday_Top5$n))) %>%
    baseGroups = c("Color map", "Light map"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)

5.2.3 Weekend Top 5 Accident locations

Weekend_Top5 %>%
  leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$HikeBike.HikeBike, group = "color map") %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "Light map") %>%
  # addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.Toner, group = "white map") %>% 
  addScaleBar() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.NatGeoWorldMap) %>%
  addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = 1,
                   color = "firebrick", fillOpacity = 0.001) %>%
  addMarkers(~lng, ~lat, icon = greentaxi, label = ~as.character(paste("Number of Accidents:",Weekend_Top5$n))) %>%
    baseGroups = c("Color map", "Light map"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)

6 Step 5 Modelling

To recommend a potential accident spot, I leverage the power of unsupervised learning by using a simple Kmeans model to group the accident spots into 50 groups. Each of the accident locations

6.1 Recommend to Find Next Accident Spot

6.1.1 Preprocess the data

data_coord <- data %>% select(LONGITUDE, LATITUDE)
data1 <- data

I used kmeans model to classify the coordinates into 50 groups.

# data_kmeans <- data_coord %>% kmeans(50,nstart=20)
# save(data_kmeans, file = "input/data_kmeans.rda")

data1$cluster <- data_kmeans$cluster

pal <- colorNumeric(
  palette = "Blues",
  domain = data$cluster)

For the last objective, I would leverage the power of shiny app and make an interactive graph with the input option for longitude and latitude. Then, I would use the kmeans model to predict which cluster the input location would be in and focus on the accident points within that cluster. Final, I would pick top 20 accident points to recommend and the coordinate of the closest accident spot among the Top 20.

Please found these result from the Shiny app below.

data1 %>% sample_n(size=10000) %>% 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$HikeBike.HikeBike, group = "color map") %>%
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "Light map") %>%
  # addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.Toner, group = "white map") %>% 
  addScaleBar() %>%
  addCircleMarkers(~LONGITUDE, ~LATITUDE, radius = 1,
                   color = ~pal(cluster), fillOpacity = 0.001) %>%
    baseGroups = c("Color map", "Light map"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)

7 Shiny App

7.1 The final mission for objective 4

I set up the input options for longitude and latitude with sliders. Once that data is input, the program would make a prediction, for which cluster it belongs to, based on the input and kmeans model. Then, it would give 20 recommended accident spots within the cluster as well as the closest accident spot among the Top 20.

Please be awared that the graph below is just the screenshot of the actual interactive app, since Shiny app is only available on the website host or showing via Rmarkdown.